
Through a Broken Looking Glass- Part One

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Sora looked around in wonder at the broken Wonderland around him. Everything was so dark and twisted, nothing like before. He had simply going to Wonderland to visit Alice, after two years he was revisiting all his friends, when a warp hole took his gummi ship in. When he woke up he was in this dark place.

Everything was steel and rusted metal patched together in an uneven quilt of destruction. Clocks were seemingly imbedded into everything. There were large gaps and gears everywhere and buildings in the shapes of teapots. The sky was a dark grey with greens and reds swirled in along with pitch black clouds. Even the air held a twisted smell to it and was heavy to breath.

The seventeen year old looked down at himself, shocked to see his outfit had changed. Normally this only happened in Atlantica, Halloween Town, and the Pride Lands. Never before had it happened in Wonderland. His once colorful outfit was darkened, as if the colors had been sucked out of it.

Boots with straps replace too large yellow shoes, a black and brown checkered vest with a cravat, with a splatter of blood on it, took the place of his jacket, and a sleeveless black shirt was under it and his gloves where still black but had rusted rings over them from his first knuckle down his wrist. His pants were tucked into his boots and there was oil and blood smears on them.

Sora's hand shot up to his crown necklace, relieved it was still there, unharmed and untouched from the change. He slid a hand through his hair as he sighed. This place was terrifying and he hadn't even started to look around. Sapphire eyes darted to the side at hearing clinking. Sora gasped and scrambled backwards.

Five green skinned, children sized monsters were walking towards him, pointing sharp, silver forks at him. Teapots engraved with astrological symbols were worn as helmets as clocks, gears, and belts made a pitiful outfit for them. They muttered to each other, thrusting their weapons to keep him backing up.

The teenager felt a spark of light ignite in his heart and travel down his arm into the palm of his hand, summoning his Keyblade. Shock filled him as a different Keyblade appeared instead of the Kingdom Key. Chains were wrapped around the shaft and the upper guard had a bright blue eye in it, matching the smaller one near the teeth of the blade. The key chain was gears and the token was a gear in the shape of an 'S'.

He didn't have much time to dwell on the change before the monsters attacked. Sora noted their patterns fast, they would look for an opening, drop their guard to attack, leaving them open. All he had to do was counter attack and with a few mighty swings from the new, powerful Keyblade the monsters were gone. Although they were clearly not Heartless and he wasn't expecting a heart he was shocked to see that regardless they still dropped items, but not the small orbs of Magic, Drive, or Health, or even small chests with items or Synthesis materials.

No…they dropped teeth and roses.

Before Sora could really think about the odd items there was a rush of wind and a warm blade was pointed at his throat, digging in enough to draw a pinprick of blood. "Who are you? I don't recall you being in my Wonderland before, in any version of it." Blue eyes widened at that voice. It was far more mature and darker but his heart could feel it as Alice's voice. He turned his head slightly as he raised his arms to show he meant no harm.

Instead of seeing golden locks of full hair it was dark ebony and quiet thin. Sickly, sun starved skin replaced healthy peach and her childish chub was gone away with, leaving a thin body with an almost anorexic figure. The blush of her cheeks were gone and dark bags replaced them. Her sweet blue dress was now in something of a similar style to his. She was much taller but the most shocking change was her eyes. Bright, smiling, sparklingly blue were replaced with dark, serious, insane emerald.

"Alice?" Sora asked in a questioning breath. The blade was removed from his neck but remained out as the new Alice walked in front of him.

"You clearly know me but there isn't a memory of mine that holds you. Speak, are you friend or fiend?"

"Friend." Sora replied. Even though she was shockingly different as was this Wonderland it was still Alice.

"How can I trust you? Things are rarely as they seem or say." Words froze in Sora's throat, choking him. How could he prove he was trustable to this form of Alice? Before fear could grip him that she would slice him with her blade golden flakes appeared and formed the shape of a skeletal cat with furless, grey, tribal tattooed skin pulled tightly around the bones. His neck was unnaturally long that lead to the most disturbing smile Sora had ever seen.

It was wide and his yellow teeth were splattered with blood. His yellow eyes looked at Sora as he tilted his head causing his golden earring to move with it. Smiling still, he flicked his tail, showing off the only tuff of fur he had at the end of it.

"Always one to be rash about decisions. It's no wonder why we are all in this twisted vision."

"Stop speaking in riddles cat, or you'll be the next one on my blade."

"Then to put it blunt many things are locked, things you need. What better way to free them than with a key?" Alice's green eyes flashed to the Keyblade in Sora's hands as the cat disappeared. Sora swallowed painfully as she walked up to him, her blade still firmly in her grasp.

"Keys can be used more for just unlocking things. They're used to lock others out as well." She turned away from him walking up to the valve and turning it. "I don't need allies here, this is my Wonderland." Alice spoke coldly as she walked down the jar-like vent that appeared. Sora watched in amazement as she leaped over it and allowed the steam to carry her in the air then as she floated onto a platform. The new Alice looked back at him. "Don't dawdle."

Sora's blue eyes widened at her words. She wanted him to follow her? Her words and actions were so confusing…but then again this is Wonderland. The islander raced to catch up with the new Alice as she jumped across platforms. He paused on a gear and watched, in horror, as she skillfully sliced into one of those monsters from before, though that was the least scary part compared to the blood flying everywhere with each slice. But what scared him to his core is that as she did it she smiled, and a gleam of madness brightened her eyes.

"Alice?" Sora asked as he slowly approached the woman. She turned to him, green eyes narrowed now; the briefness of light in them as she killed was gone.

"How is it you know my name and yet I still recall nothing of yours?" She asked, flicking the blade to remove some of the blood off its beautiful design.

"We've met before."

"Before the rule of the Red Queen?" The Queen of Hearts maybe? Sora pondered but shook his head.

"I don't know of a Red Queen."

"Then you are misplaced in Wonderland. She has always been here." Alice said, her eyes darkening at Sora's answers before leaping across a massive gap.

"Alice!" Sora cried only to watch as she spun, a few bright lavender butterflies appearing near her and lifting her slightly higher to gain distance. She landed gracefully and turned to look at him, unimpressed that he didn't follow.

"I told you to not dawdle. After all, we don't want to be late for tea," She bit out sarcastically. Sora watched as she started to move. He took a running start and could only pray that his Glide Ability still worked in this Wonderland.

When Sora was finally able to catch up with her she was on the edge of the castle, fighting three more of those monsters. His blue eyes widened as they stabbed her ruthlessly and relentlessly with their forks, pushing her closer and closer to the edge of the building and into the endless sky below.

"ALICE!" Sora yelled in horror as she exploded into a swarm of blue butterflies.
Soo....First, no second, stab at some Kingdom Hearts/American McGee's Alice. Takes place in Madness Returns with an older Sora (doesn't matter though I still made him so Alice is older by three years-ish~) Hope you enjoyed~ Don't know when part two will be out seeing as I'm leaving soon but oh well~
© 2012 - 2024 Riku-Uzumaki
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Redemption909's avatar
Man, I can just imagine Sora watching her kill everything: "B-but...blood isn't supposed to exist! It's just a scary story to keep you behaving! D:>"